Data Protection Consultancy

Data Protection has been updated in recent years to improve how we are able to collect and share personal data in a technological world. Businesses must be able to demonstrate and produce evidence that they are processing this data in a fair, lawful, and transparent way, or they could face potentially high financial penalties and reputational damage. To help make the transition easier, One Compliance offers a number of consultancy services to help.

What is Personal Data

Personal data covers any information that can identify an individual, directly or indirectly. It includes obvious data such as names, addresses and email addresses, but it also extends to information such as online identifiers, photographs, and location data to reflect changes in technology.

Key GDPR principles for processing personal data


One Compliance specialises in information security and compliance consultancy. We offer a wide range of services to support your organisation in maintaining compliance with Data Protection Legislation. We always tailor our services to meet the individual needs of a business – no matter where you are in the process, our technical team can provide total support to you and your team.

Privacy Gap Analysis

Our Gap Analysis service will help you assess your current compliance with UK and EU GDPR and identify any areas which need urgent attention.

A Privacy Impact Assessment will help you identify and minimise any potential data protection risks when introducing new processes or systems to a business.

Mapping the process of data will help you to understand the flow from one location to another. It can also help to describe the flow and identify unintended uses.

We’ll manage your project each step of the way. Our expert technical analysts will advise on the best routes to take to comply with relevant data protection legislation.

We’ll review your existing data protection policies and ensure that all your processes are in line with the aims of data protection legislation to make your environment more secure.

Remediation work aims to minimise any current risks for data breaches to within acceptable risk levels creating a safer and more secure environment.

A DPO is responsible for monitoring a business’ data protection governance, informing the relevant people about impact assessments, as well as acting as the main point of contact for data protection issues.